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Airbus A320 series ECAM Pilot trainer.

The ultimate in Airbus Pilot training.

The Airbus A320 series pilot ecam trainer comes with over a150+ ECAM DRILLS for you to train on. This is a very easy to use application and once downloaded works in offline mode as well. Flightcopilot intend to make it even better in the near future by adding more failures, scenarios, bonus videos and documentation.

The app is designed for Apple iPad users and there are no plans as yet to launch the Google play version however this is under debate regarding the pilot market on Android platforms. The A320 ECAM flight trainer comes with tonnes of Pilot training material including currently about 150 ECAM failures for you to practise and train on. Topics for failures include:

- Air Cond/Press/Ventilation - Auto-flight - Comms - Doors - Electrical - Engines - Fire-protection - Flight-Controls - Fuel - Hydraulics - Ice & rain - Indicating and recording systems - Landing gear - Navigation - Pneumatics The app also includes Bonus Videos for training and more will be added over time and A flight deck buttons guide booklet. You can train on several aspect and have an ultimate Airbus A320 training package. You can click the image icon below to visit the apple store to get your ecam trainer application for iPad.


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